Knox Day Nursery – CUPW Sponsored Child Care Program in Winnipeg

Knox Day Nursery – CUPW Sponsored Child Care Program in Winnipeg

With financing from the CUPW Child Care Fund, Appendix “L” of the Collective Agreement Knox Day Nursery offers services for children from three months to eight years of age between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m Monday to Friday.

Knox Day Nursery is staffed by qualified Early Childhood Educators and additional support staff. They provide a well-planned and varied program as they feel children learn best by hands on experiences. Knox Day Nursery, Inc. is located at 406 Edmonton Street downtown.  Their day program is open 6:30am – 5:30pm, and their extended hour program is open till 7:30pm.

In Winnipeg, the CUPW Sponsored Child Care Program is helping members by providing:

  • Reliable, dependable, flexible child care.
  • Quality care under the guidance of Early Childhood Educators.
  • A 40 % subsidy to CUPW members enrolled in the project.
  • Emergency care (as space is available) for members who need back-up to their regular child care. *Please note for emergency care members should register with the centre beforehand.

If you are interested in the services Knox Day Nursery offers or would like to put your name on a future wait-list please be sure

to contact Heather at Knox 204-943-1795 and be sure to tell her you are a CUPW member.

special needs kids

 Extended Hours Quality Care

 The Extended Hours project at Knox Day Nursery is part of CUPW’s commitment to help members across the country with their changing child care needs.  If you have children between three months and six years of age and need extended hours care, you can take advantage of the Knox Day Nursery Extended Hours Project.

If you are interested in Knox Day Nursery’s Extended Hour Project or would like to put your name on a future wait-list please be sure to contact Heather at Knox 204-943-1795 and be sure to tell her you are a CUPW member.


If you would like more information about Knox Day Nursery or the CUPW Child Care Fund please call  the Secretary Treasurer at the Local office at 942-6323 ext.1.


The Key to Caring
The Key to Caring A resource guide for the CUPW Child Care Fund documenting three success stories. It shows how the union can help CUPW members find child care solutions, and pressure governments to fund child care initiatives.
What is quality child care -A factsheet on the elements of high quality child care.
What is quality child care? It’s a fact. Research shows that high quality child care plays a positive and long-lasting role in the social and intellectual development of children, no matter what their social, cultural and economic background.Lack of access to high quality child care can cause high stress for working parents: worry about their children’s well being while at work, and conflicts with employers and co-workers due to lateness or absences. Lack of high quality child care also keeps women from entering and participating fully in the paid labour force.
Five steps to finding quality child care A how-to booklet for parents looking for good child care.
Five steps to finding quality child care Quality child care can give you peace of mind and help you balance family and work. What’s more, it has a positive impact on your child’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual development.Finding a quality child care setting takes time, research and hard work. But it’s well worth the effort since your child’s well-being is at stake. This step-by-step guide can help you find quality child care. But it’s by no means comprehensive. Parents are strongly encouraged to do more research on quality care. The local’s child care resource centre is a good place to start.
Special Needs and Moving On project Resources
Special Needs and Moving On projects The web site of the Special Needs and Moving On projects that includes information, resources and a members’ section.
 Special Needs and Moving On projects Moving Mountains: Work, Family and Children with Special Needs: An in-depth look at the CUPW/ UPCE-PSAC Special Needs Project.
Breaking Through Barriers  Breaking Through Barriers: A DVD and Poster about the Special Needs and Moving On projects.
Parental Rights
Welcoming a new child into your family is a wonderful time filled with joy and excitement. But it can also be a stressful time, with so much to do and so many things to think about and prepare.This booklet will help you to navigate your rights as a parent who works for the post office. It will give you important information about working while pregnant, maternity leave, birth or adoption leave, parental leave and your rights when you come back to work.



Knox Day Nursery Inc.     Let’s rethink child care. There is a better way!

Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC)

Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU)