How to Participate in the Program

How to Participate in the Program

How do I apply?

If you wish to apply for one or more of the options described in this site, you are invited to complete the appropriate application form.

Should you require an additional copy of an application form, please contact AccessHR.

Which form do I complete?

The form required will depend on the option you choose. There are three different application forms.

The following outlines which form must be completed for which option:

Application Form 1 – to be used should you wish to apply for:

  • Reduced Work Schedule;
  • Leave of Nineteen Days or Less;
  • Seasonal Leave with Income Averaging;
  • Leave to Work for a Recognized Non-profit Organization;
  • Special Education Leave; or
  • Phased Retirement Leave.

Application Form 2 – only to be used should you wish to apply for the Self-Funded Leave option.

Application Form 3 – Only to be used if you are participating in the Special Education Leave option. This form is to be completed prior to the commencement of your second and any subsequent academic school years.

If you are applying for part-time work and your director has approved this option, he/she will need to consult with AccessHR to determine the impact on your pay and benefits and your position.

How do I complete the forms?

Depending on the form to be completed, you may be required to provide the following:

  • General Information

    • You are requested to provide such information as your name, your employee ID, your telephone number
  • Employee Proposal

    • Please refer to Information on the Employee Proposal for information and examples on how to complete the employee proposal.
  • Indicate the option desired (form 1 only)

    • You will need to indicate the option(s) of your choice by putting a check (3) mark next to the name of the option.

Where do I send the completed application?

Once you have completed your application form and have received approval from the responsible management level (Director or above), you should forward the original application to AccessHR and provide a photocopy of the application to your appropriate level of management.

What happens next?

Your application will be reviewed and collated by AccessHR who will advise Pay and Benefits of the work option that has been approved for you.

Approval of any application will be determined based upon the appropriate eligibility requirements described in this information booklet and the operational requirements of your function/department. Therefore, not all requests can be accommodated.